View full book here:
To purchase please send a message: [email protected]. The sale would be for the one and only original copy of this book. $2000 (shipping within the US included).
Sketchbook # 031: Landscapes, Mountains, Fire, Water, Words, Cigarettes, Figures, Shapes, Objects, Palms, A Tab, Celebrities, Galaxies And Other Unfinished Works. 1 of 1. 2018.
View full book here: To purchase please send a message: [email protected]. The sale would be for the one and only original copy of this book. $2000 (shipping within the US included).
ORLANDO's latest album Third is out today.
Four tracks: 1. Under 2. Over 3. Below 4. Above Buried 2018. Dug up 2019. Spring. Chicago. Duncan Reilly - electric guitar and looper T. Steinman - synthesizers and effects Infinite Jess - Mellotron and synthesizers Recorded in Chicago. 2018. Photograph by Duncan Reilly [MONO064] Link: |